Google Firebase News: Announces Extensions, App Distribution for iOS and Android, and web app analytics

Google Firebase announces Extensions, App Distribution for iOS and Android, and web app analytics

Google Firebase News

For many developers, apps are not just about the platform they are running, but also integrations with cloud services that transport information, data, crash reports, advertisements, and more. The breadth of services and features provided by Firebase ensured that many developers would consider it in their apps, even if it was for crashes. With the fourth annual Firebase Summit in Madrid, a number of new announcements further expand the product line with products and services that can make development easier and more effective.

Firebase extension

Large development companies can often write custom code to do countless small tasks, but the types of work can overwhelm smaller independent developers. Sometimes the best solution is to use a pre-baked solution that simply works and has already been tested and proven to work. This is the idea behind the Firebase extension. Instead of taking the time to write code for common activities that many other Firebase users require, you can browse through a set of pre-packaged extensions developed by the Firebase team.


Some examples include an image reseller, a URL shortener running through bits, and text translation. Firebase is being launched with nine extensions to launch and more will be added in the future. If you want to browse some options, there is a directory of extensions. Each can be customized to your needs and they run on Google’s cloud infrastructure, so they scale to meet demand.

Firebase app distribution

Professional software developers believe that beta testing is important for building and maintaining a high quality product. There are many ways to distribute test releases to apps, but most of them are inefficient, complex, or simply don’t work. Firebase aims to improve this experience with a new app delivery service that can eliminate some complications and make everything easier for your testers.

Firebase App Distribution creates pre-release builds for both iOS and Android. This will save you from having to deal with the unique issues that come with beta distribution in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Beta builds can be sent out using the CLI (command line interface), and you can use gradle and Fastlane to automate almost everything.

Integration with Google Analytics

Learning from user behavior can help developers build better UIs and make their app more successful. Google Analytics has been around for web apps since its launch, but Firebase has just added integration, so its advanced tools work with web apps in the same way as with mobile apps. This allows the use of a predictive interface to visualize user behavior, as well as features such as remote configuration and cloud messaging can now play a role in your testing and analysis.

Other announcements

While they are not headliners, the event had a number of other new announcements, including an increase in Firebase emulator suites, which brought hot reloads and support for realtime databases for realty database trigger functions, remote configuration and Firebase’s Web SDK sourcing (plus many other older libraries) with analytics, formal availability of roles and permissions in general Barnb, and much more. See the Firebase blog post for additional information and links to get started.

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All the above information is from the iGeekBlog Website.

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