A Modern Approach To Android Development, With Jetpack Compose and more!

Modern Android Development Today

Perhaps as a result of Android’s flexibility, we often ask developers what the Android team recommends for building apps? You have told us: You love our openness..but you too would love us to marry us with an opinion about the right way to do things. And, to ensure that the right approach is also the easiest way. And so today, at the Android Dev Summit, the team wanted to answer that question for you.

They are designed to be compatible with your existing applications. This means that you can step into Kotlin code and write down your timeline.

It all starts with a great modern language: Kotlin

Modern Android starts with superb language support. In fact, we recently passed a milestone where about 60% of our top 1000 apps are using Kotlin. And our team is working with JetBrains to make it even better: Kotlin compilation speed, incremental annotation processing with KAPT, more lint checks, landing in D8 and R8, better IDE typing latency new optimizations in R8 that are Kotlin- Know about specific biotech patterns. And we are releasing full IDE support for Kotlin build script today. If you want to develop your skills, we are starting an advanced Android course with Kotlin on uDuality. And, for those who are already experts, we are also introducing a new Android Developer certification in Kotlin, available at a discount for the next three months. We are working to make all our supported first class languages ​​- Kotlin, Java programming language, and C ++ – better for you and your team, with Java8 library, LDVM, GNU make, Fortify NDK r21 is enabled by default. , even more.

Jetpack: Build high quality, powerful applications with less code

Jetpack is designed to solve the real-world problems you face every day, and is used by more than 84% of the top 10,000 Play Store apps. And we continue to make Jetpack even more useful:

  • Benchmarking, previously announced in Google I / O, is now available as a release candidate. This library makes it easy to measure your app’s performance with confidence.
  • Viewbinding is an easy way to access the view from your code. This is a type-safe solution with minimal build-time effect, no more viewViewById (), no more annotation processors.
  • CameraX simplifies the development experience and lets you focus on your app, rather than addressing the differences between multiple devices in the Android ecosystem like Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, Motorola, LG, which are already available on CameraX Are integrated backwards. Previewed at Google I / O, CameraX will be available in beta in December.

Composition: Android’s new UI toolkit for creating beautiful, native apps in developer preview

Compose makes it easy to create beautiful, native apps. It provides a declarative way to create a UI that makes your code more intuitive and concise. Inspired by Kotlin, you can adopt Compose at your own pace for seamless compatibility with existing UI toolkits.


Today we are releasing the Jetpack Compose Developer Preview. All you have to do is download the latest preview build of Android Studio. Compose is being developed entirely in open, in AOSP. The continuous feedback we have received has led to many API improvements and we would like to thank our developer studies and for providing feedback in the Kotlinlang Slam group. As we enter the developer preview, we need even more feedback as we prepare to bring Jetpack Compos to beta next year and use in the production app.

Android studio 4.0 canary

Today we also released the first Canary of Android Studio 4.0 – hand-built with Compose for powerful, integrated tooling support. Android Studio 4.0 includes Compos Live Preview, Code Completion and a full sample of the Compose app. You’ll find a new motion editor, Java 8 language library installer, full support for KTS files, Kotlin Live Template and more.

Android App Bundles and Dynamic Distribution Testing Improvements

Just eighteen months after launch, more than 270K Android app bundles are now in production covering 25% of all active installs. Based on your feedback, we are making app bundles and dynamic delivery much easier for testing. Internal app sharing lets you share APK builds as well as test builds of your app bundle easily. Now you can grant anyone in the team’s ability to upload artifacts. You do not need to sign test versions with your production application signing key, you do not need to use version code, and you can upload debugable artifacts. We are also making it possible to get download links for older versions of your app from Play Console, whether they are app bundles or APKs. And from today onwards, we are starting offline testing of dynamic delivery with mock partition manager so we can replicate the partitions being installed by the Play Store while testing locally.

A modern distribution platform, centered around user confidence

User trust and security have always been a top priority on Google Play, with human reviewers constantly improving for security and policy updates to emerge from the threats we see. As a result, applications installed from Google Play are in order to be more secure than any other source. This year, we are increasing our ability to detect all, for impersonation, poor content and other forms of abuse, but we know that we can do more, and the threats are constantly changing. With your help, we have reduced access to sensitive data and made play safe for children and families. We have restricted SMS / call log permissions to only the apps they need as part of their core functionality, and as a result 98% fewer applications access this sensitive data. Thanks to your hard work, users are protected, and know that they are more secure when they download apps that request fewer permissions.

Android Developer Challenge!

Ten years ago, we announced the first Android developer challenge. Today, modern Android is shaping the next generation platform. So it seems like fitting to announce: the Android developer challenge is back! The first developer challenge that we are announcing is Helpful Innovation and Machine Learning. Take live captions: For the nearly 500 million people who are deaf and hard of hearing, live captions bring content to life and are exactly the type of machine learning-powered innovation we hope to see more someday, and yours With the help of this we can turn someday. You can read more about the challenge here.

So – this is a quick tour of modern Android and the road ahead of our developer experience! Whether you’re with us at the Android Developer Summit or in-person or on the live stream, we’ll go deep on everything you need to know about Android with over 60 speakers from over 100 speakers. Thank you!

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